

For the past 90 years the name NORIS has been associated with innovative measuring and automation technology "Made in Germany". With numerous innovations, the NORIS Group GmbH has established itself as a major player in the shipbuilding industry and transportation technology on the German and international markets. In real terms, this means significantly more than 5,000 ship automation systems and more than 3,000 engine safety systems and local operating panels. In addition, the delivery of more than 30,000 sensors per year. Effectively, since 1925 there are only a few ships that are not equipped with NORIS products.
In the field of meteorology we are one of the world's leading manufacturers of radiosondes and upper air sounding systems. Our subsidiary GRAW Radiosondes GmbH & Co. KG draws upon 80 years of experience in weather and measuring technology as one of the first companies to operate in this area and delivers more that 50,000 radiosondes per year.


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